There’s a reason
we’re the cultiest
workout class on ice.

Skate & Sculpt is addicting, our
community is electric, and the figure-
skating-focused workout is the perfect
combination of fun and feisty.


Whether you’re an Olympic figure skater, you’ve been off the ice for 30 years, or you’re brand-new to skating beyond the basics, our community of active and retired figure skaters is the perfect place for you.

Skate with us

Our Origin

Picture this: it’s peak COVID season, and you’re sitting on the couch with your two best friends, bored out of your minds, reminiscing on the good old days. 

You start to talk about how much you miss the old-school power skating classes you used to take, and getting up at the crack of dawn for early morning stroking sessions, and constantly explaining that, no, you could not do a Triple Axel, and trying your hardest to rest a mitten on your nice, lifted back-side without it falling off.

And then it hits you: you miss figure skating so f***ing bad. 

That’s exactly how this community of retired and adult skaters came to be. 

All it took was one conversation about how much we missed feeling like we belonged at the rink—and how much we craved the feeling of crisp ice, glorious edges, the smell of zamboni fumes in our noses—and we knew we couldn’t be the only ones who didn’t want skating to end after retirement. 

Come skate with us

The Class

All the fun parts of figure skating—without the bullshit. Because we want as many skaters as possible to join us on the ice, we don’t jump or spin, we just skate.

Whether you’re skating with us or you’re skating on your own, the sentiment is the same: you deserve to feel like you belong, no matter what your skating abilities look like now.

You don’t have to
be Michelle Kwan
to skate with us.

(But Michelle, if you’re reading this, please do.)

All you have to be is excited about getting back on the ice. Like we said, it’s just skating!

So, ditch your insecurities at the door and get your ass to a class—there’s no judgment here.

Or, if you don’t (yet!) have a class near you, join our online community + work out with us virtually!

Find us in your city

The Skaters

We weren’t kidding when we said anyone is welcome to skate with us. 

Gretchen Weiners energy has no place on our ice—instead, we’ve got modifications and moves for a wide range of skills.

Swipe to read which skating skills you’ll need to know to have fun at Skate & Sculpt!

Your Skating Skills

If you’re comfortable skating forwards and backwards on one foot, and you’re prepared for some 3-turns, you can take this class. 

However, we also offer modifications, and if you need to use two feet while you work your way through the movement—that’s perfectly fine! Ashley skated on two feet her entire career, jumps included, and look how far that got her! We have skaters of all different skill levels join us, and we hope you’ll be next!

skate with us

The Ice

No matter which rink we’re skating at, safety is our #1 priority at Skate & Sculpt, because, let’s be real—you’ve got knives on your feet.

Staying Safe On The Ice

Because safety is our priority, all of  our coaches are SafeSport, CPR, and First Aid certified, and all of our classes are choose your own adventure—meaning you can make them as easy or hard as you need them to be.

Book your class

Our core


Meet the founder

Hi, I’m Ashley Wagner—World Silver medalist, 2014 Olympic Bronze medalist, 3X US National Champ, Tragic Taurus, and fellow retired skater addicted to the feeling of ice under my blades (and watching women fight on the bachelor, but that’s beside the point). 

When I retired from figure skating in 2018, I’d never been so burnt out, or, frankly, over it. Having competed on the international stage at the senior level for more than a decade, the sport had become just a job to me, and I’d lost my passion for the ice. 

Deep down, though, I still had so much love for skating. I would go back into the sessions I used to train on and feel like I was just in the way.

I wanted to get back onto the ice—a space I had always belonged in—but I didn’t feel like there was a place for me anymore.

Actually, let’s be real. There wasn’t a place for me anymore. 

Which is why I founded Skate & Sculpt (my brother wouldn’t let me name it Boots and Glutes, which I’m low-key thankful for)—to help all the other retirees out there ditch that ‘I don’t belong’ feeling for good. 

Skate & Sculpt is my way of taking the best parts of skating, and creating a space for athletes just like myself—and athletes unlike myself!—who want to get back into skating, take up their space on the ice, and get a kickass workout in.

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